The Buzz About Beekeeping

This club has been formed by many likeminded individuals who share a passion for the craft of beekeeping.
The aim of the club is to promote the best beekeeping practices and to encourage and assist members to take up this craft, whilst striving to educate members of the public with regards to the importance of protecting honeybees for the future of our planet.
We would like to hear from any member who would like to join us.
Apiary Club (More bzzzzzzes fom the Bee Whisperer)
During January, the Queen is surrounded by thousands of her workers. She is in the midst of their winter cluster. There is little activity except on a warm day (about 45-50 degrees) when the workers will take the opportunity to make cleansing flights. There are no drones in the hive, but some worker brood will begin to appear in the hive. The bees will consume about 25 pounds of stored honey this month. Little work is required from the Bee Whisperer at the hives. If there is heavy snow during this month, I will make certain the entrance to the hive is cleared to allow for proper ventilation but I expect snow will be coming end of Jan into Feb/March. If a thaw presents itself (in February/March ) I will be providing supplemental, emergency food for the bees such as fondant (on the top bars) or granulated sugar (on the inner cover).
The Bee Whisperer
Moose International in Great Britain Association

Burnham on Sea